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May We Brag a Bit? Mercedes-Benz of Farmington Is an Award-Winner | Mercedes-Benz of Farmington

Published on Mar 2, 2022 by Mercedes-Benz of Farmington

If there’s one thing we’ve learned at Mercedes-Benz of Farmington, it’s that we can’t – and won’t – rest on our laurels, which now include the Mercedes-Benz 2021 Best of the Best – Gold Laurel award.  Winning this prestigious award puts us in some pretty awesome company: only 50 Mercedes-Benz dealers in the country have been honored with the Gold Laurel by our manufacturer.

We want to keep winning, so we won’t rest as we work to offer our guests a world-class experience at Mercedes-Benz of Farmington. 

The 2021 Mercedes-Benz Best of the Best – Gold Laurel award is based Mercedes-Benz’s extensive review of our operation during the past year. We need to earn top marks in each of these areas in order to achieve the Gold Laurel:

Customer Satisfaction  New Vehicle Sales  Certified Pre-Owned Sales  Leadership and Management  Service and Parts Operation

It’s an honor for us to win Mercedes-Benz’s most significant designation: Best of the Best – Gold Laurel for 2021. And it’s one way that you know that we honor Mercedes-Benz’s motto: “The Best or Nothing.”

Surveys Say: Mercedes-Benz of Farmington Is a CARFAX Top-Rated Dealer

Nothing warms our hearts than great reviews from our guests, which is why being named a 2021 CARFAX Top-Rated Dealer makes us very happy. With more than 200 reviews, Mercedes-Benz of Farmington has an average score of  4.6 out 5 stars. 

CARFAX reviews provide guests a way to see how well we performed for others who purchased pre-owned vehicles. CARFAX also includes reviews from our service department guests. CARFAX verifies the reviews before it posts them on its website, ensuring they aren’t fakes. Good reviews from guests is one way we build a good reputation in our community and ensure repeat business. Being a 2021 CARFAX Top-Rated Dealer is one way you know we offer high-quality vehicles and service.

“CARFAX has nearly 3.3 million verified customer ratings and reviews,” said Gregg Cleary, CARFAX Vice President of Dealer Business. “This isn’t an ‘everyone gets a trophy situation’; we are recognizing truly the best of the best when it comes to remarkable service and customer care. These dealers were selected based solely on verified reviews from their actual customers.”

CARFAX reports available on every pre-owned vehicle Mercedes-Benz of Farmington sell ensures that your “new” pre-owned vehicle won’t just look good, it will run well and be a pleasure to drive. CARFAX keeps more than 20 billion vehicle records in its database, which is believed to be the largest repository of information about vehicle history in the world. 

Our CARFAX reports include every bit of relevant information about the vehicle you’re considering – right down to the smallest dings. Since the CARFAX database indicates that as many as 40 percent of vehicles on the road have sustained accidents or damage, it could make a difference in your purchasing decision. As CARFAX puts it, you need to know if any damage is “a ding or a disaster.”

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